In a dazzling collaboration, renowned electronic music artists Pretty Pink and Einmusik present their latest creation, \”Ayana\”. This Melodic House gem captivates listeners with its entrancing main melody, enriched by an exquisite oriental instrument that transports the audience to distant lands. \”Ayana,\” a beautiful Arabic flower, delivers an immersive and euphoric experience, perfect for the dance floor. It is set to become a staple in clubs worldwide, enchanting music lovers with its exotic and pulsating rhythms.
Pretty Pink represents a new generation of energetic and authentic artists, having evolved from the local German club scene to achieving global acclaim. With roots in Spain, her passion for melodic house & techno and progressive house has garnered her much praise. Known for her viral Daft Punk remix, Pretty Pink has conquered European stages and secured main slots at prestigious festivals such as Tomorrowland and EDC Vegas. Her success extends to her radio show “DEEP WOODS,” which boasts 1 million streams. Her 2023 album “Born Digital” has been streamed 15 million times, earning her the title of “Artist of the Month” on Beatport and a spot on Spotify\’s “Electronic Rising” playlist. With two labels, regular releases on major platforms, and ongoing tours, Pretty Pink\’s journey is thriving.
Einmusik, also known as Samuel Kindermann, has a sound that resonates globally, allowing him to travel the world with his live and DJ sets. His exceptional musical output has consistently placed him in the highest charts. With a Spotify audience of 500,000 monthly listeners and growing, Einmusik\’s influence is undeniable. His musical journey took a significant turn with the 2014 release of “5 A.M,” a long-player that catapulted him to the big stages of the world. His output spans from earthly tones to cosmic heights, creating heart-breaking moments and uplifting minutes. Following “5 A.M” was “I.D.C.,” a statement against making statements. Einmusik prefers to let his music speak for itself, creating anthems that reach listeners unexpectedly.
Together, Pretty Pink and Einmusik\’s synergy in \”Ayana\” showcases their artistic prowess, promising to enchant listeners and dominate dance floors worldwide.